Who are we?

The PPC association is an association of teachers who, since 2014, offers materials adapted to European programs. The association proposes original books when national publishers cannot meet the specificity of European programs.

History of the books:
the absence of books specific to European school programs and the massive photocopying of publisher's textbooks without any respect for reproduction conventions, led us to create common supports. Thanks to the editorial skills of the association, we have gradually published quality printed booklets adapted to our needs. To reduce the cost of printing, we decided to offer the books to all colleagues facing the same difficulties.

Respect of copyrights:
the books respect the copyrights and the conventions of reproduction. 100% of the diagrams, drawings, graphics and 90% of the photos are under our own license. The documents linked to copyrights outside PPC are subject to a specific declaration to the specialized organizations and, if necessary, the reproduction rights are paid.

What is PPC?
PPC is a publishing association that publishes on a non-profit basis and with very low management fees. At our request, the tax authorities have recognized the disinterested nature of the association's management. The authors, in accordance with the statutes and regulations, are members and administrators of the association.

How is the price calculated?
The greater the number of orders, the lower the price. The books are published for two to three years. Depending on its working capital, PPC advances the costs; otherwise, the professors responsible for the book project have to pay the bills and cover the publication deficit from their own funds.

What is the reason for the page price of the books?
The price per page is less than a color photocopy. In spite of the limited number of orders, we achieve prices similar to those of other publishing productions because we do not have to pay the share for the bookstore (30-40%), the publisher (20%), the diffuser/distributor (10%). In a classic publishing production, the printing cost represents only 20% of the final price (source: book union). On the other hand, we pay VAT, commercial taxes, social taxes, shipping and logistics costs, copyright and reproduction rights. The association has two full-time employees. The price is therefore explained by this "short circuit" production system.

What is the legal framework in relation to the European Schools?
These works are private publishing productions, like all the books that students buy outside for their school use. They are not official productions of the European Schools. Each teacher must adapt the book to his or her own pedagogy. The book is only a collection of documents to facilitate the creation of original sequences. Of course, we remain very attentive to all the remarks coming from the inspection, the central office and the teachers to propose supports always more adapted to the needs.