Chapters :
   • Introduction to Geography
   • Europe: Physical and Human Features
   • Introduction to History
   • The Earth’s Rotations and Seasons
   • Weather and Climate
   • Prehistory and the Emergence of Humans
   • Celtic Civilisations
Available in : FR, EN, DE.
Themes: Geography, History, documents, rotations, scales, weather, climatology, Europe, prehistory, tools, art, agriculture, crafts, archaeology, Neolithic etc…

Chapters :
   • Rivers and land use
   • History: ancient civilisations
   • Humans and climate change
   • Learning together and working in a group
Available in : FR, EN, DE.
Themes: The Rhine, erosion, Alpine landscape, urban/industrial axis, Rotterdam, intensive agriculture, history of writing, hieroglyphic, cuneiform, Mesopotamian civilisation, Fertile Crescent, the Nil, polytheism, pharaoh etc…


Chapters :
   - Europe in the Middle Ages
   - Life and Death in the Middle Ages
   - The Christian World and other Cultures
   - Humanism and the Renaissance in Europe
   - Reformation and Counter-Reformation
   - The Age of Exploration: Europe and the World
Available in : FR, EN, DE.
Themes: Merovingian, carolingians, Byzantine emperor, Roman empire, feudalism, Clovis, religious power, Pope, lordship, progress in agriculture, Crusade, Islam, Orthodoxy, Protestant Reformation, the age of exploration

Chapters :
   - Monarchs and Monarchies in Europe (17th-18th c.)
   - Europe in the Age of Enlightenment
   - The Age of Revolution (Late 18th to early 19th C.)
   - The Industrial Revolution of the 19th c.
   - Liberalism and Nationalism in the 19th c
   - Europe in 1914
Available in : FR, EN, DE.
Themes: Absolute monarchy, Enlightenment, USA independence, french revolution, Declaration of Human Rights, industrial revolution, proletariat/working class, Italian/German unification, nationalism etc…

Chapters :
   • European colonialism and imperialism
   • Europe transformed by World War I
   • Russia and the USSR 1917-1953
   • Dictatorship and Democracy: Europe in the interwar years 1918-1939
   • Europe and the Europeans in World War II
   • The USA 1898 to 1945
Available in : FR, EN.
Themes: Colonialism, imperialism, nationalism, Fashoda Crisis, forced labour, resistance, the Alliance system, total war, Post-War era, dictatorship, democracy, fascism, totalitarian state, communism, USSR, Nazism, World War, occupation, Crash of 1929, New deal, consumerism, etc…

Chapters :
   • The Post-War Era (1945-1947)
   • International relations during the Cold War
   • From the end of the Cold War to the Present
   • Decolonisation and Independence after 1945
   • Eastern and Western Europe, 1949-1973
   • From dictatorship to democracy (1974-1995)
   • European Communities after 1957
   • China after 1949
   • The United States of America after 1945
Available in : FR, EN, DE.
Themes: Détente, UN, Cold war, USSR, Congo, Vietnam, Third World, dictatorship, democracy, Mao, Nuremberg, iron curtain denazification, Marshall Plan, Berlin Wall, ECSC, Schuman Declaration, totalitarianism, communism, Franco etc…


Chapters :
   • My School, the surrounding region and the EU
   • Structure of the Earth and Tectonics
   • Population Dynamics
   • Threatened Environments: Problems and Solutions
Available in : FR, EN, DE.
Themes: Latitude, longitude, topographic map, EU, CEE, European climates, single market, agricultural policy, Maastricht Treaty, physical factors, human factors, migration, demographic transition, plate tectonics, volcanoes, earthquake, sustainable development, pollution etc…

Chapters :
   • Development around the world
   • Globalisation
   • Natural resources
   • Physical geography and human activity
Available in : FR, EN, DE.
Themes: Demographic transition, natural resources, uneven development, poverty globalization, raw materials, climate change, sustainable development, organic farming, tourism etc…

Chapters :
   • Issues and challenges: the history of the EU and EU agricultural policy,
   • Natural environment in Europe: European shapes and landscape, European climate, renewable/non-renewable resources
   • Population: ageing population and EU immigration
   • The economy of the European Union
Available in : FR, EN.
Themes: ECSC, Treaty of Rome, European identity, democracy, climate change, renewable resources and non-renewable resources, European landscapes, population density, Demographic Transition Model (DTM), intensive farming, organic/sustainable agriculture, transport policy, industrial innovation, CAP etc…